Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Loving Dog Reynaldo

It is a sad time in the Glass household as we lost a family member this week. Our precious Bernese Mountain Dog passed away suddenly Monday night.

We spent the Christmas holiday in Prescott, Arizona with my brother. Reynaldo had been a little sick and the vet said that it was a Urinary Tract Infection. He was put on antibiotics and told that he was all good to travel. After spending two days in the car with my parents he was feeling a little worse and so we took him to a vet on Christmas Eve. After a couple shots of antibiotics and anit-nausea medicine and given some fluids. He was doing well and we thought nothing of it.

The day after Christmas he suddenly went downhill and had a hard time breathing. After realizing that he couldn't move we loaded him up in the car and took him to another emergency vet clinic. It was heart breaking to see him so sick and to not know what was causing him to be sick. After x-rays, and and ultrasound he was kept overnight for observation and so he could get more fluids. Monday morning my parents picked him up and the vet said he was ok to go back to Dallas as long as he was taken to another emergency vet as soon as they got to town.

About halfway through the day he started to go downhill again and my parents did everything they could for him. At about 9:30 my mom crawled into the back of the car and sat with him until he passed away at 11:45 pm.

WIth everything in life they come and go, but no matter what it is hard to lose a member of your family. I know that as time goes on my heart will heal, but there will never be a dog like him. One who liked to be alone, but at the same time always came to you at the moment you needed someone.

I love you re-re and I always will.