Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On to Plan B....

It always pays to have a plan b. My plan A fell through today when I got a call saying that they were no longer able to continue the program.

What do I do now?

Well, watching Glee is a start. Jk, but seriously. I am currently watching Glee taking the night off from worrying about it all. Everything happens for a reason. As cliche as it is, I know that everything will work out and eventually I will get into a program and start my teaching career. I am just hoping that it is sooner rather than later.

The plan for now is to hopefully hear back from the two programs I contacted earlier today about their programs. Once I get some information about everything I can go from there on where to apply or really what my next step is going to be. As of right now I am still taking the TExES test on October 2 and need all the luck I can get.

Well I am off to watch Glee and eat dinner with my dad.