Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Loving Dog Reynaldo

It is a sad time in the Glass household as we lost a family member this week. Our precious Bernese Mountain Dog passed away suddenly Monday night.

We spent the Christmas holiday in Prescott, Arizona with my brother. Reynaldo had been a little sick and the vet said that it was a Urinary Tract Infection. He was put on antibiotics and told that he was all good to travel. After spending two days in the car with my parents he was feeling a little worse and so we took him to a vet on Christmas Eve. After a couple shots of antibiotics and anit-nausea medicine and given some fluids. He was doing well and we thought nothing of it.

The day after Christmas he suddenly went downhill and had a hard time breathing. After realizing that he couldn't move we loaded him up in the car and took him to another emergency vet clinic. It was heart breaking to see him so sick and to not know what was causing him to be sick. After x-rays, and and ultrasound he was kept overnight for observation and so he could get more fluids. Monday morning my parents picked him up and the vet said he was ok to go back to Dallas as long as he was taken to another emergency vet as soon as they got to town.

About halfway through the day he started to go downhill again and my parents did everything they could for him. At about 9:30 my mom crawled into the back of the car and sat with him until he passed away at 11:45 pm.

WIth everything in life they come and go, but no matter what it is hard to lose a member of your family. I know that as time goes on my heart will heal, but there will never be a dog like him. One who liked to be alone, but at the same time always came to you at the moment you needed someone.

I love you re-re and I always will.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas is Here! Christmas is here!

Christmas is here!!!!

I finished work today and 4:45pm and headed home to pack and get ready to go to Arizona tomorrow. I am so excited to spend an rather unusual Christmas with my family. Mom and Dad started driving to Prescott, Arizona this morning and Caroline and I are flying tomorrow afternoon. We will have the dogs with us and JP is waiting our arrival.

I am so excited I can hardly stand it. We are going to hiking and exploring and I cant wait.

....More to come.....

Monday, December 20, 2010

So I know it has been a long time since I last wrote but a lot has happened.

I got into another teaching program and am almost finished with the course work and I can begin my student teaching. I have no clue where I am going to teach but I have started submitting my resume, so if you have any contacts please let me know.

I got to see Oklahoma State University's Homecoming celebration for the 6th year in a row. I am pretty excited about the roll I am on with my attendance and plan to continue going. So all those who love going back to Stilly let's set up a trip for Homecoming 2011.

I attended Bryan's 5-year class reunion and got to see a lot of people I haven't seen in awhile. I also got to experience Arka-la-la for the first time. It was a blast and I can't believe that I have been out of high school for 5 years.

For Thanksgiving I traveled to Oklahoma City to spend the weekend with Bryan and his family. I had a great time seeing everyone and got to play dress up with Paige, Piper and the guys. Our visit was short but sweet and I had a great time getting to play with Caden. The only down side was that Justin was not there as he was working in Branson. I also got to experience my first black Friday trip to the mall. It wasn't as bad as I had imagined. After our shopping trip we left OKC and went back to Dallas. We had a watch party for the OSU-OU Bedlam game.

I turned 24 and got to visit my brother in Prescott, Arizona. Other than that not much has happened. I am now waiting for Thursday to arrive so I can go back to Arizona to spend Christmas with my brother and family. I am pretty excited to go hiking with the whole family, including the dogs! I promise there will be pictures to follow the trip.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On to Plan B....

It always pays to have a plan b. My plan A fell through today when I got a call saying that they were no longer able to continue the program.

What do I do now?

Well, watching Glee is a start. Jk, but seriously. I am currently watching Glee taking the night off from worrying about it all. Everything happens for a reason. As cliche as it is, I know that everything will work out and eventually I will get into a program and start my teaching career. I am just hoping that it is sooner rather than later.

The plan for now is to hopefully hear back from the two programs I contacted earlier today about their programs. Once I get some information about everything I can go from there on where to apply or really what my next step is going to be. As of right now I am still taking the TExES test on October 2 and need all the luck I can get.

Well I am off to watch Glee and eat dinner with my dad.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Nerves and Cramming and Stress....Oh My!

As the test date rapidly approaches I find myself starting to freak out. The other day looked at the calendar to see exactly how much time I have before the TExES test. T-minus 2 weeks tomorrow.

Insert nerves and uncertainty here.

After realizing this I have started to freak out a little. Ok maybe that is an understatement, but you get the idea. I have been reading a felt like I was somewhat prepared, only a little concerend about 2 sections of the test, and now I honestly don't know if I am going to be able to pass this thing at all. It also doesn't help that in the past I have had text anxiety.

This weekend I plan to really buckle down and read at least two books along with the Quicknotes I have. I am just hoping that I can actually focues and not let my mind wander to those nightmares of failing the test. The fact that I am sitting at work with little to do, knowing that I could be studying and putting my time to better use is not helping either.

Only two more weeks and then I will be taking the test and with any luck passing and hopefully starting my quest to earn my teaching certification.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I need a hobby

For the past two months i have been studying for the TEXES test for my teaching certification. I am less than a month out from the test and it is about to kill me. I have been a good little student and studying every chance I get. But as we all know, you can only go so long before you get burned out. I am teetering on a very fine line here.

I am so ready to be able to read a normal book at night and work on some of my art projects. I am even thinking of starting back up with my jewelry making. But who knows what I will end up doing. All I know is that I am ready for October 2 to be here.

If anyone has any tips on the certification test please let me know!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

School Starting

School is back in full swing. Well most schools are. Here in Dallas everyone started Monday. As I check out facebook and Twitter everyday it makes me sad to be in the real world working full time. I hate to say it but I would rather be sitting in a classroom learning. I guess I am making up for part of it because I am studying for one of the certification classes to get my teaching certificate. I really need to buckle down this weekend and study but I have been in the process of moving over the last week and a half. For all my lovely Zeta ladies at OSU good luck this semester!

Free Giveaway

This girl makes the cutest handmade items. She is having a giveaway on her blog to celebrate.

Go and check it out!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Office Flooding

Over the weekend our office flooded thanks to an improperly installed piece on our ice maker. At some point after 6 am Sunday morning the piece busted and water started flooding out of the kitchen reaching the front part of the office. The flod was eventually found by our IT man who came in to work on the server. For once he did something great and was able to get the help needed to shut the water off. He tried to find a security guard, and of course there were none in sight, and called our office manager. The fire department had to come out and shut off the water since the plumber was going to be about 4 hours before they could possibly get out. By the time my father arrived at the office DalWorth had been sucking up water for over an hour and there was still inches of water on the floor. DalWorth set up fans in the office 29 of them to be exact and one in the hallway to start the drying process. We also have 3 de-humidifiers to help get the wetest parts up.
Monday morning, as everyone started to arrive, they found a great surprise. The office had been transformed into a wind tunnel. We spent most of the day moving those who had wet offices to any place that was dry and had the internet. I was the lucky one who had to wait until Tuesday afternoon before I had a place to work. I spent most of the time drying files and cleaning up the kitchen and mail rooms. The wood floors in the reception area had started to buckle and discolor but nothing too major. Wednesday morning when we arrived at the office it looked as if something had tunneled under the floor where it had buckled and it has been spreading ever since.
As i got back from lunch today I saw the Dalworth people taking some of the fans out of the office. YIPEE!!! This means that the noise level will go down for a little bit until they start reparing and replacing everything.
The flooding that started in our office eventually made it's way downstairs to the floor below us and even to the floor below them. Luckily two floors below my office is the parking garage so there was no damage done there. On our floor it also spread to the two other suites on floor and while the carpet was soaked, no major damage was done. Had the security guard who is supposed to walk the floors every so often has done his job, the leak would have been found well before it reached over 2 inches in our office.

Life lesson learned...make sure that if you have something repaired or serviced, they do it correctly and if you are in an office building make sure that security actaully does their job and walk the floors.

Tired of Pro Athletes

Today while reading Aol NewsI saw an article about a pro football player wanting more money from his team. His team says they are not going to pay up the additional amount and I say good for them.
I am beyond tired of hearing about how badly professional athletes have such a hard life and how they are not paid enough. If I have to hear about one more football or basketball player thinking they are not getting paid what they deserve I am going to go crazy. I'm sorry that you are only getting paid 35 million a season instead of 50 million. If you think you are being treated so unfairly quit.
For millions of Americans we can only begin to imagine what earning a million dollars in a year would be like. I would be happy to earn a solid $30,000 in a single year.
I will say that there are some sports such as hockey where the athletes should get paid a little more. Before the NHL Strike a few years back, the highest paid players were making around $100,000 a year. Hockey is a rough and violent sport and the dental work and face reconstructions that go into it are crazy. About the time that the strike happened only one player had all of his real teeth. The rest had at least one knocked out in a game. I can honestly say that I would never play hockey for fun like I play football beacuse of the number of injuries and the severness of them.
Another thing I am sick of is hearing about how these professional athletes think they are the shit. Sorry to tell you, your not. Somehow I got sucked into "The Decision 2010" which was the biggest waste of my time. I honestly can't believe that the American people let the decision of one player cause so much uproar. I know there are die hard fans out there but if you start a riot and are devestated that one player went to another team, then you really need to rethink your priorities.
For me the biggest upset in sports this year has been the changing of the Conferences. I am an alum of the Big 12 and am sad to see it falling apart but you know what? Lie goes on and in a few years things will be better. I know that we will all think back to the way it used to be but hey, change makes us stronger. You didn't see any of the coaches or University Presidents making rude comments and acting like teenage girls over the fact that it was falling apart before their eyes.
Like I said before professional athletes are not what life is all about and maybe you need to take a break from sports for a few months and see what life is really all about.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Why I Wear Orange

The color is a symbol, something that brings all of us togther.

Orange is that day you moved into the dorms as a freshman- with the lines for the elevator and overall electricity about the campus.

It's meeting those friends that would stick with you for life.

It's remembering those dorm buildings, even though they may not be there anymore.

It's wearing orange the Friday before that first game- and every Friday after that.

It's Barry Sanders, John Smith, Garth Brooks, Mike Gundy, Eddie Sutton, Desmond Mason. It's you and me.

Orange is putting your arm around the shoulder of the stranger next to you to sing the Alma Mater.

It's watching the most beautiful black horse race down the football field.

It's making the switch to saying "Power" istead of "Orange".

It's remembering Lewis Field, and admiring Boone Pickens Stadium.

Orange is a few years in the NIT, and finally making it back to the Dance.

It's beating the Number three team in the nation - on the road - on the same day OU lost to Texas.

It's being proud of your coach for standing up for his player- even when you the rest of the country frowned upon it.

Orange is being a Man, because your 40.

It's knowing that it's left hand up to make an "S".

Orange is when it's good for a cowboy first down and Ten.

Orange is Pistols Firing- Touchdown Oklahoma State.

Orange is being at the parking lot as soon as thye drop the chains, so the tailgating can start.

It's "O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A Oklahoma State" no matter where you are when the state song is played.

Orange is welcoming fans from other teams with a good-natured ribbing but always being good-natured in victory and in defeat.

Orange is being proud of our heritage but never rubbing it in.

Orange is a tragic night in Colorado and remembering those that were lost.

It's the big smile on your face when you walk past the orange fountain.

It's going back to the place you worked in college-and remembering it as the best job you ever had even though it paid the least.

Orange is never, ever forgetting the words to Friends in Low Places.

It's cheese fries (with bacon) and a Fowl Thang.

It's a cabinet full of Joe's cups.

It's knowing that you are different because your blood matches your orange t-shirt.

Orange is knowing that it's time to go home when you hear "New York, New York", "Closing Time", or "Shoulda Been a Cowboy".

Orange is the one you tried to let down easy. And the one you'll never forget.

Orange is wanting to get out of Stillwater for four years - and spending the rest of your life wanting to go back.

Orange is knowing deep down inside, that no matter what happens OU will always suck.

Proud and Immortal, Bright shines your name. Oklahoma State, We herald your fame. Ever you'll find us, Loyal and True. To our Alma Mater O-S-U!!!!!

GO POKES!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Homesick for Stillwater

For some unkown reason, I have recently become very homesick for Stillwater. Little things like hearing a story about college or people talking about college football or even a song on the radio makes me miss it even more. I have even reached the point of almost crying. I don't know what has caused this homesickness, but it needs to end soon.
I think that part of it is due to the fact that I am not ready to fully give up the idea that I have joined the real world and have to work 40 hours plus a week and have responsibilities and the likes. Another thing that makes me miss my college days is the fact that my close friends are now all over the place. While we are all within 5 or 6 hours of each other for the most part, we have to plan out when we are all getting together. I love having twitter and facebook and while I have an addiction problem to both, it is not helping the fact either. This week I have read numerous posts about all my little Zetas getting ready to go back to school for rush and getting to see each other agian. Oh what I would give to be in their place right now.
I know that at some point you have to grow up and move on from your college days and the best four years of your life, but it is harder than I would like for it to be. All I need is a weekend with everyone in the good old town of Stillwater, Oklahoma and I will feel better. Next weekend I have the chance to go and see the Zeta's for mock rush, and while I am dying to see everyone, not everyone will be there, thus it will be difficult to fully cure my homesickness, plus since it is during the weeks of rush, not everyone will be able to come out and the bars won't be the same. I know the old characters like Stripper Steve will be there but unless you are there after school starts it's not the same.
For all my little ones still in school, don't take anything for granted. Live in the moment and live up your years. Don't worry about every little thing about class and your studies, because when you look back at your college experience the things that are going to make you smile, laugh and even cry will be your friends and all the times you shared.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flying Woes

So this past weekend I was in northern Michigan vacationing with my boufriend and family. My family left for the trip the Monday before Bryan and I went. They were the smart ones and took American Airlines and American Eagle to Chicago and then on to Traverse City. We decided to take Delta. The first flight was not too bad leaving from DFW going to Detroit. In fact I believe that we actually got in before our flight was supposed to. Looking back on this I should have been in shock. The only hang up of the flight was that we had to sit on the plane because Delta was understaffed in the airport and there was no one to open the door so the passangers could de-board. Our next flight was delayed do to mechanical issues with the plane, they told us a door in the luggage compartment had to be replaced. Needless to say it was a little longer than expected before we were able to board the aircraft. Then they told us that the plane had been in the hanger all day and this was it's first flight of the day. I was not sure why they told us this but we soon found out when we finally boarded. The plane was burning up. During the entire process of fixing the door they had turned the plane off and it had not cooled. By the time we got to the Pelston airport I needed to change clothes because the plane had barely begun to cool down. I understand that there are going to be issues with traveling but the fact that we had to travel over an hour in a hot plane was a little more than frustrating.

On the way back from Pelston to Deroit, the flight was not too bad, just really bad service on the plane. The flight attendant took her time withe everything and messed up the drink orders a couple of times. Once again we had to sit on the plane for a few minutes because they were busy doing who know's what until the realized that we still hadn't been able to deboard. The frustrating thing about this was that most people on the plane were like us and had a very short layover before their next flight. We were lucky in the fact that we were only a few gates away from our second flight, not that it mattered because our plane was delayed for over and hour and a half. As we got to the gate we saw that they were getting the plane ready and we sat down relieved that we had made it on time. Soon after arriving we were told that they were working on the front tire and that the change would be finished shortly. 45 minutes later we were still sitting in the airport and the passangers who had been at the gate said that they had been working on the plane for over an hour when the first made the annoucement that they were working on the plane. Finally we were able to board the plane. As we were taxing out of the gate we had to pull back in because the wheel was put on wrong. After that was finally fixed we were able to take off. The service on this flight was the worst I have ever experienced. I was sitting in the exit row halfway through the plane and well over half way into the trip we finally got our drinks, well we were able to have a drink of what the flight attendant had, which was not much. She was almost out of everything and told us that she didn't want to have to walk back to the galley to get more. Needless to say I was ready to land and it couldn't have happened fast enough.

For those who have to fly Delta, know this, Federal Law allows airlines to oversell their flights by 10 percent, and Delta does this for every flight. If you are lucky there are not enough people who want on the same flight as you and you are able to get on but I would recommend that if you really want/need to get somewhere you need to take another airlines because with Delta you could end up waiting all day in the airport in hopes that you will get on a flight.

Next summer when I travel to Michigan I will be taking American Airlines and I have no problem paying a little extra for great service that I can depend on.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer thus Far

So another summer has passed and I have not been at kamp. Just thinking about it makes me sad enough to cry. As second term comes to a close today and tomorrow down in Kerrville, Texas, I think about all the amazing memories I made there and all the friends I have. This summer I tried my hardest to make it down there for at least one term as a counselor but being a big kid in the working world didn't allow that to happen. Maybe next summer.

Instead this summer I have spent my time working at Cinco Resources Inc, in the accounting department and with other odd jobs around the office. I have also spent most of my weekends in search of an apartment and furniture for it. This weekend wil be no different. While I have saved money by buying all consignment furniture and having it re-upholstered and repainted, I still hate seeing my bank account being depleted. Soon enough though I will be done and I can start saving again.

Last weekend I was fortunate enough to go to Arkansas City, Kansas to see Bryan's family and friends. We always have such a great time and I hope that the next time we see each other is not next summer at Matt and Stacey's wedding. (It's a crazy thought everyone is gettng married, I am way too young for this.)

Next weekend Bryan and I are flying up to Michigan to meet my family in Harbor Springs, where they are spending 2 weeks. I am slightly jealous of the fact that they all get to relax in an amazing place, both the weather and the scenery, while I am stuck in an office with no windows.

I found out that the teaching class that I applied for will not start until December. I am a little disappointed because it will be just that much longer that I have to work in this office, but at the same time it gives me the much needed time to study for the PACT (pre-admission content test) that I will be taking in October. (Wish me luck).

As for now that is all that has happened this summer. I wish everyone at Kamp a great closing ceremonies and I hope that the rain stays away for the Big fire ceremony. As for those arriving at kamp on Monday, I am super jealous and I know you will have the time of your life.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Consignment Shopping

For the past few weekends I have spent my days going from consignment store to consignment store looking for furniture to reupholster for my new apartment. I have found a new love in going and seeing what I can transform into a beautiful piece. Last Sunday I found two gorgeous slipper chairs at consignment heaven and am now trying to pick out a fabric for them. Last Saturday I also found a couch at consignment galleries. It is an older couch but it is so comfortable that I am thinking about moving it into my room for now and using it as my bed. I am so excited to get it recovered. I bought a natural colored linen fabric yesterday, so I am one step closer to being done with the first project. I also found a little sitting stool that I am going to spray paint and have a new pillow made for it to go in my closet. I am so excited to be able to buy furniture that I love and that is going to look great. If anyone ever needs someone to help decorate their place I would love to help. It would be nice to actually use one of my degrees at some point in my life.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Tonight my family and I went to see the Broadway musical "Wicked". I have tried to read the book a number of times and have never been able to get through it, so I had no idea what it was about or related to. (As a child the flying monkeys in the wizard of oz scared me, therefore I have never seen the movie.) I have to say that after all the hype that it has gotten, I was a little disappointed. I have been to a number of other musicals and plays and this one just wasn't in the same playing field. For me it seemed to drag on and on, as if it was never going to end, and there seemed to be a lack of energy in the cast. I don't know if they were just having an off night, but from the very beginning, you could see it in the dancers. They looked as if they were not doing everything full out. One thing I was impressed with was the costuming and set design and the vocals over all. I have to admit that I am going to go back and try to read the book one more time to see if I can do it after seeing the show tonight.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Forever and ever

Forever and ever, our hearts will be true
Forever Kickapoo I’ll dream of you
The friends we have made here we’ll
never forget
Let’s seal it with a vow that we will nair
Let memories be memories forever
We’ll live them all once again
So let’s tell the world all the joys we
have had
This summer with you at Kickapoo.

Summer Kamp

As summer begins and everyone sets off on their travels I am saddened that I will not be making my way to the beautiful hill country of Texas to Kickapoo Kamp. For 11 summers I made my way down there as a camper, then a pawnee and finally as a counselor. As the years have passed and I have been away from kamp it gets harder every summer.
For me kamp was home. It is a place that no matter what is going on in your life you can come in and everything falls into place. It's a place to rejuvenate after a long year. To see the friends that will always be there once again.
As a first time camper in 1996, I had no idea what to expect. I was so excited and went down with a friend who's mom had gone to Kickapoo when she was a girl. After two weeks there I was hooked. I begged my parents to let me stay for another three weeks and of course they said no. As the years passed I made friends, many of who I can go for years without talking to and then call them up one day, and it is as if we were never apart.
This is the place where I became who I am. Some of my fondest memories are from those very first years. At night when the lights out bell rang, we would turn on Deana Carter's "Did I Shave My Legs for this" and fall asleep. To this day when I hear one of those songs I close my eyes and am transported to a cabin with a warm breeze blowing and can hear the cicadas chirping. I also remember laying out at Joe's Place on the deck telling stories and falling asleep to the voices of my cabin mates. It was the one time that we devoted to catching up. Kamp was the place where you could be completely out of touch with the world and it was ok, it was the one place where you didn't have to shave your legs for weeks at a time and no one thought twice about it. I love the fact that the girls who were in my cabin the first year were in my cabin the last year and we all became counselors together. There are so many more memories that flood my mind when I think about kamp. Many of which include Gordon and Bimmie. All the trail rides, moonlight swims, deer chasing and fourth of July fireworks shows have shaped my childhood and are by far the fondest memories that I have.
As I sit here tonight I think about all the girls who are headed down for orientation tonight and how I wish I was among them. Eventually one day I will make my way back down there and I know I will send my daughters there too. To make friends for a lifetime and to learn the cherish the simple things in life.