Thursday, August 12, 2010

Office Flooding

Over the weekend our office flooded thanks to an improperly installed piece on our ice maker. At some point after 6 am Sunday morning the piece busted and water started flooding out of the kitchen reaching the front part of the office. The flod was eventually found by our IT man who came in to work on the server. For once he did something great and was able to get the help needed to shut the water off. He tried to find a security guard, and of course there were none in sight, and called our office manager. The fire department had to come out and shut off the water since the plumber was going to be about 4 hours before they could possibly get out. By the time my father arrived at the office DalWorth had been sucking up water for over an hour and there was still inches of water on the floor. DalWorth set up fans in the office 29 of them to be exact and one in the hallway to start the drying process. We also have 3 de-humidifiers to help get the wetest parts up.
Monday morning, as everyone started to arrive, they found a great surprise. The office had been transformed into a wind tunnel. We spent most of the day moving those who had wet offices to any place that was dry and had the internet. I was the lucky one who had to wait until Tuesday afternoon before I had a place to work. I spent most of the time drying files and cleaning up the kitchen and mail rooms. The wood floors in the reception area had started to buckle and discolor but nothing too major. Wednesday morning when we arrived at the office it looked as if something had tunneled under the floor where it had buckled and it has been spreading ever since.
As i got back from lunch today I saw the Dalworth people taking some of the fans out of the office. YIPEE!!! This means that the noise level will go down for a little bit until they start reparing and replacing everything.
The flooding that started in our office eventually made it's way downstairs to the floor below us and even to the floor below them. Luckily two floors below my office is the parking garage so there was no damage done there. On our floor it also spread to the two other suites on floor and while the carpet was soaked, no major damage was done. Had the security guard who is supposed to walk the floors every so often has done his job, the leak would have been found well before it reached over 2 inches in our office.

Life lesson learned...make sure that if you have something repaired or serviced, they do it correctly and if you are in an office building make sure that security actaully does their job and walk the floors.

Tired of Pro Athletes

Today while reading Aol NewsI saw an article about a pro football player wanting more money from his team. His team says they are not going to pay up the additional amount and I say good for them.
I am beyond tired of hearing about how badly professional athletes have such a hard life and how they are not paid enough. If I have to hear about one more football or basketball player thinking they are not getting paid what they deserve I am going to go crazy. I'm sorry that you are only getting paid 35 million a season instead of 50 million. If you think you are being treated so unfairly quit.
For millions of Americans we can only begin to imagine what earning a million dollars in a year would be like. I would be happy to earn a solid $30,000 in a single year.
I will say that there are some sports such as hockey where the athletes should get paid a little more. Before the NHL Strike a few years back, the highest paid players were making around $100,000 a year. Hockey is a rough and violent sport and the dental work and face reconstructions that go into it are crazy. About the time that the strike happened only one player had all of his real teeth. The rest had at least one knocked out in a game. I can honestly say that I would never play hockey for fun like I play football beacuse of the number of injuries and the severness of them.
Another thing I am sick of is hearing about how these professional athletes think they are the shit. Sorry to tell you, your not. Somehow I got sucked into "The Decision 2010" which was the biggest waste of my time. I honestly can't believe that the American people let the decision of one player cause so much uproar. I know there are die hard fans out there but if you start a riot and are devestated that one player went to another team, then you really need to rethink your priorities.
For me the biggest upset in sports this year has been the changing of the Conferences. I am an alum of the Big 12 and am sad to see it falling apart but you know what? Lie goes on and in a few years things will be better. I know that we will all think back to the way it used to be but hey, change makes us stronger. You didn't see any of the coaches or University Presidents making rude comments and acting like teenage girls over the fact that it was falling apart before their eyes.
Like I said before professional athletes are not what life is all about and maybe you need to take a break from sports for a few months and see what life is really all about.